Friday 15 May 2009

Intelligence is Us...

Now isn't it just everyones dream to be intelligent. Or "Intelligenter" than thy neighbour..

Of course, we all think we're intelligent. We all think we can handle the stuff and don't really need advice. I mean, c'mon.. Why do I need advice about Relationships.. Studies.. Career.. Driving.. Banks.. Voting.. Soap.. Wardrobe.. Hairstyle and a shit load of other annoying issues..
I was born with the brains for this. I can handle this. My fucking playground this world is. And you're just an insignificant chattering spawn of a flawed design by the Flying Spaghetti Monster (true concept.. Check out Pastafarianism)..
Well.. That's what most of us think. Short of the monster I'd say. Intelligence isn't really relative. I mean, other than IQ tests, there aren't any other real measures. And by now, we all know that IQ Tests are mostly a farce and Intelligence Testing is a definitely flawed concept.. I mean, (again) C'mon.. It never says I'm as smart as I really am.. :P :P :P
Yes, I was kidding.. I'm not a self centered asshole.. Yet.. In this post.. Yet..

Now here is my opinion. People aren't stupid. They are however mostly stupid in judging how intelligent they themselves are. Mostly. Some people are in fact greatly intelligent. And they are the ones who can easily bump you down on your ass if you try to get too cocky with them. I know a few like that. Unfortunately, I do not find myself on that side of the fence.
Argument : There is of course, a certain group in which I am one of the smartest. And then there's the other group in whose company, I will refrain from opening my mouth to avoid sounding like a total dumbass.. One Half of a dumbass is usually bad enough.

So here.. You find the real smart people. I mean cream of the lot. And they pop in all places. My college even.. And that's saying something. In the family. Friends and acquaintances. They are brilliant in there own worlds. Someone may be a genius at music and another at sports. But they are the kings of their domain. And I have learnt not to challenge a lion in his own den.
Then there are the averagely smart people. People with all the general skills and good at them. These people are smart. They can talk. You'll either like them because they use their smarts for good stuff. Or hate them because, while being good, they think they are better than what they are and thus actually stupid. That's an argument all in its own and a good one. So let me know if you wanna discuss that.
Then there are truly ordinary people. We were born in our own shells and thrive in them. No concept of intelligence and amazing powers of Holmes deduction. Born mostly in obscurity, they rise on hard work and make a life within their worlds and boundaries. You usually.. No.. You definitely, will not find anyone you'd put in this bunch at a fabulous position in any enterprise.. OK.. There's Gordon Brown, but he turned out to be this only after becoming the PM.. Apparently, he was quite the force before..
And there is George Bush.. But for all reasons, I think he deserves a place in my next group..

And then there the stockbrokers (Applause.. Standing Ovation..) .. OK.. Sorry about that. I tried to make a funny.

And then there are the people who can be called for the sake of diplomacy, "Beings of Stunted Intellect". Forgive me. Now, in my honest opinion, BoSI are the way they are because they(we¿) were never given the same options at pursuing a strong sense of self when younger. And that has clearly scarred them for life. This applies to the upper category too..

BUT HERE... I read and understand that the intelligence of a person can also do a lot with physiology.. To be more precise, the mapping of his brain and the active centres.

NOTE: Complete retard in biology, so if I am killing the subject, my apologies. Please correct me in the comments and I will post a retraction imme

So in the image you see below, it matters a lot depending on your actual brain activity to decide how stupid or smart you are.. Forgive the unsympathetic terms.

verbal comprehension (blue), perceptual organization (red), working memory (green), and processing speed (yellow), represented by the pictograms

So that is your brain to you. Any one of those areas get muddles, and you're an idiot. So basically, while it is possible and psychologists and psychiatrists will argue, intelligence and perception are qualities you imbibe as a growing person, it may not be entirely in your control. I mean, do some dogs learn tricks faster than others? Do circus dogs have an unusual ability to learn, or is it just the way they were raised? I dunno.. Don't look at me.. I'm just typing here..

But here.. Intelligence doesn't of course mean success. Neither does stupidity mean failure. The movie Deewar is a classic example.
Poor Bachchan Saab thought he was a genius. "Vijay" took it all the way with "Ravi" telling him how much more successful he was.. Ravi gave it straight back. Something the film industry is NEVER EVER gonna forget. So we're all on the side of Bachchan Saab. Loving Shashi Kapoor but with a little scathing. Dear Dudley-Do-Right.. Hmph.. He did however, make the smart guy look like an ass. So there's an example of a guy who tried to get cocky with a smarter guy. Isn't it fun watching all these I'm-So-Smarts getting a slap on the face when they get too happy? Hehe.. Not when the guy is Bachchan Saab of course, but it is an example..
And for more fun-viewing of how an idiot thinks he/she is smart and makes s fool out of themselves, tune into Roadies on MTV.. Schedules available in your local mewspaper..

But what blog post of mine is complete without the preachy part.. None..
So here..
You're reading this post. In a random, top-of-my-head assumption, I think you're intelligent. Because I don't think "stupid people" will read this blog. Not because I think the blog is smart.. But whatever.. Screw that..
And the smart ones are getting tired..

But I know a few people. Smart guys and girls. Very intelligent. They can handle an argument very well. And can really give it back to you. But they lack the social sense of how to do it. When I talk to a guy who is lesser read (pronounce->Red) than I am and tell him the difference between a RAM and a Graphics Card (Special Thanks to Rao for teaching me), then I tell him because he doesn't know. And when I teach a friend a simple integration problem for the 6th time in semester 3, it isn't because he's stupid. Some people just have blocks. And as a person who has the ability to deal with a problem his neighbour cannot, its your duty to help them. This goes.. Even with the guy at the ATM standing inside for ten mins already.. Even though, at that point, you wanna KILL KILL KILL..

People don't believe in evolution and don't believe that there are electrons inside an atom. Why? They are just too closed up. This doesn't make them stupid. A little stubborn maybe. But not stupid. Its called difference in opinion. Deal with it.. You're kid is gonna have it with you. And you cant just call him an idiot.. Atleast not always..

I know a few "intelligent" people who are assholes. I mean, real SOBs.. I find it sad. The world had lesser smart people.. And it becomes a responsibility of these people to help the not so lucky. So don't just donate a cookie, do something. Sound advice to your friend who needs it helps. And a friendly shoulder doesn't always help. It has to be a smart one. So you gotta spread the brains. The more people who learn whats right wrong and rubber-ducky, the smoother things will go.
You do have a responsibility to makes other lives as good as you can. But figure out first if you are smart or an idiot. Wouldn't want you to give advice if you're the dumbass..

Not everyone is good at what you do. And you suck at some stuff most others can do. Its true. Its just true. If your the perfect student, you're a lousy sportsman and vice versa. If you're good at both sports and studies, you have a short ass temper.. You get the point.
Personally, I have more flaws than I'd care to share. But I have them. And in some ways, I am aware. In some ways, I'm sure I'm not.. I try to control them. But I don't always succeed.. And that's put me on a bad spot more than once..

I don't try to tell you what to do.. You have all the right to call me an idiot.. In fact, comment and tell me how dumb I am. And any circumstances of stupidity you have been witness to. I will be most honoured. Let the world know where I fall short..

But then again, like I said earlier in this post, I am a king.. I am a god.. I am smarter than you. And if you think otherwise, its just because I choose to hide it.. I mean, I did make you read this all the way down here.. :D :D :D
And please.. Don't even try to say, "HA.. I reached here directly.. Didn't read the dumb post".. You'll be even dumber then..

But I do wanna leave you with a question.
I have made a few stupid mistakes earlier. I have learnt and am correcting those mistakes. On the road.. I have learnt and will never ever go back to the same level of idiocy again. Do I still have to feel bad? I have felt bad and am working on corrective measures. Look back on yourself. You'll find enough excuse when you were a retard about stuff and hated yourself later. Gimme sound advice o intelligent ones. Enlighten the All-Knowing-Smirking-Red-Face..

Thank You..