Sunday 23 August 2009

Two Worlds..

I spent 4 years in Chennai. In a college most popular for its "demonic rules". No.. Life wasn't bad. The rules didn't really manage to hold any of us there down. We were a happy bunch. I had a life. Simple and small and fun. Over there, life revolved around staying out of ridiculous classes of ridiculous teachers. This was an everyday mission. Math fests helped me a load.

Wasting time with a few friends. And all that. I never suffered or anything in the place. I walked away from that place with no major academic scars. Personally, the scars are few. Life altering, but not major. Go figure.

I have fallen in love with Chennai. I was introduced and interacted with people I am very happy I know. I love that city. It was nothing but totally and absolutely good to me. I am today, more comfortable with the roads and areas in Chennai than back home in Hyderabad.


The four years there have, I think kept me away from a zone that I do think i should have been a part of. But being in a place where the Internet was amazing, it tends to isolate you.
My image of a modern world and an India that's moving ahead changed. It became more basic. My new world wasn't the next Parikrama gig. My world wasn't how well Kyunki Saas.. was doing. My world didn't have a TV you see.. My world wasn't even Michael Schumachers winning and loss. My world wasn't anymore what it used to be. My world changed. My world was different.

I don't argue this was how it was for everyone. But it was like this for me.

I moved from Jungle2Jungle... I love that phrase..

My complaint. The things I have missed. I have missed a college culture I could've adapted to and been a part of. I had to force my self through all the small things to be vaguely connected to it as much as I am. I had to rely on the talk of others to pick on the little things that I had missed. Sutta for example. Wouldn't have heard it if it wasn't for a friend in Hyderabad. And no one gave a crap for it in the circle in Chennai. It just isn't what flies.

I have experienced that side of it. And it was insane. At home, I was weird.
And what I thought at the time was that I was actually right up there. Close to the top of the stairway that defines me as a guy who knows his times.

AND.. Ho Ho Fucking Hey.. I was wrong..

I am in MICA now. Its a different world. Its a little closer to the world I originated from. And lightyears away from the world I have come from.

Why I'm using so much 'world', I have no damned clue.

Anyhow.. MICA. Good place. Loud. Fun. Boring. Busy. And a load of BS day in and day out.

But the things here operate differently. I have missed out on some stuff. They just passed me bye bye. Certain aspects I realise seem so elementary and obvious. They just don't form a connect for me. I'm introducing myself to almost everything almost for the first time.
But it is what it is. Its great. Lets have that fun. Learning could have been worse.

Hyderabad designed me. Chennai refined me. Ahmedabad is yet to be seen...

It is my birthday as I type this out. And the 'party' we had last night was great. A special thanks to everyone who was there. An apology to those who couldn't make it. I'm sorry I wasn't good enough to you..

To everyone back home.. Love you all. Life is as good as ever before.
To everyone in Chennai.. Love you all. Life is different here. But Chennai has made me 10 times the man I was..


And a final little something..
From a movie that has shaped me into what I am..

From Harvey (1950)

Elwood P Dowd: I always have a wonderful time, wherever I am, whomever I'm with