Tuesday 3 February 2009

The Whole Wide World

I have a dream... A wish actually. To be precise, it wouldn't count as one... Its a collection. But first... I was born in 1987. And for those who don't know, the Halley's Comet was visible, that is, it crossed the Earth in 1910. Again in 1986. 76 years later. When I read about it for the first time, I was probably in class 3 or 4. Around 8 or 9 years old. I read that it appears every 76 years. I was excited and looked u when it passed the last time. When I read it came around in 1986, I was pissed. I felt vaguely cheated that I missed it by one year. YES... I KNOW. Even if it came in 1989 or something, I wouldn't really know. I KNOW THAT I WOULDN'T KNOW... You can stop shaking your head like a Chinese doll. But either way, its how I felt. And its what I thought. Ever since, I've decided that I wanna see it again. I wanna see it before I die. That means I'll have to be 75. In the year 2062. Blood far off eh...? I know. I don't know if I'll get hit by a bus or something else before then. But its just a dream. If I die before then, then I'm gonna go upto God and pull his long white beard. He will, of course be able to show it to me immediately.. But the wait itself is much cooler than the prospect of seeing it. Just in case, for a few of you who are thinking it, NO. Its not a different way of wishing I live till 75.
Continue reading.
I wanna see the world. Nothing amazing about that. I wanna live in New York and stand at Times Square. I wanna go see the Berlin Wall. I wanna pray at the Wailing Wall. I wanna see Mecca. I wanna LIVE in Africa. I wanna see Sierra Leone. I wanna drift on the Nile and swim in the Amazon. I wanna get caught in a rain in South America and sail through the Suez canal. All these and more. I wanna experience the world. I wanna live the world in my 75 years till the Halley's Comet. I'm 21 now. I have 54 years. FIFTY FOUR years. Its a long long time. 54 years, not given to me. 54 years that I have allotted to myself, hoping that I'll have it.
I have read about people who have moved country and place to settle down in They live in another place and have a family there.
I think its lucky that they did. Experiencing a new lifestyle is something quite amazing. I imagine. I want to. I'm not saying I will.
For a person who would want to do something like everything I described, they need a longer life than 75 years. Let me be clear here. I don't want to visit these places. And those I mentioned above are not even a tenth of the actual list. I don't only want to see these places. I wanna live there. I wanna make friends with the people there and I want to visit the grocer. I want to live in all these beautiful places for the experience they will give me.
But I was standing at the railway station yesterday when this thought struck me. Being able to do all of this would make me happier beyond my means. But I don't think it is necessary. We haven't been designed to survive the world. We can travel as far as our means will allow us. But we cannot hope to cover the globe in a lifetime. I'm not calling sour grapes. I'm just saying that it is how I feel. I have lived in the UAE. It is a different lifestyle. I have lived in Hyderabad and Chennai. Even the differences between cities within India took some getting used to. I cannot imagine what 5 cities in different countries would do to me. ha...
I like pani puri and chola batura. And I'm happy in Hyderabad and I actually have come to love Chennai. I don't like tea, Irani or otherwise and love sambar on my Vadai...
I'm a hybrid of a Hyderabadi and a Chennaite and am a little bit of a citizen of the world. I honestly say I could watch an Italian movie wearing Bermudas and a baniyan, sipping coffee and eating a lasagna while living in Moscow. A little bit of everything...
And I kinda hate this post. But I have effing typed the whole effing thing and if you have started and come to the end, you have suffered the equal agony of me typing it.
Joy to the world...


Sarkar said...

I read the post to myself and actually like it... ignore my last few lines and forgive the typos.

Karthik said...

you forgot about the food!!!!!!!!???

varun said...

you were thinking about this when you forgot your certificates at home?

Karthik said...

tasing all the cuisines of the world!!!!

Unknown said...

We all want to be happy.
That’s the bottom line.
Whether its at Times Square or Taj Mahal.

Sanity in the midst of romantic interludes..
Epiphany of the best kind.. :)

m@verick said...

Do buzz me when u go out to see the Hailey's Comet capt'n ! We can probably text from Hutch and discuss the sightings that day in the distant future ;) .. Best post by far !! :) Way to go ! :)

Anonymous said...

Am not gonna rate this post w.r.t the others but yo..you definitely got talent when you say you do this in your sleep..i want to know how this will turn out when your awareness is at your disposal..few things ,i wish ,do not stopp till i die..
Pani puris,the beach waves,sunlight and your blogs