Thursday, 11 December 2008

Unchained Melody and Auld Lang Syne

Unchained Melody is my favourite song. Number 1 all the way. I heard it for the first time as an instrumental. Where... On my 16 bit Sega console. It was the a midi format background score for the main menu of the game. I played that game a lot. So the music left a print on my mind. I would be able to identify that music anywhere in the world. I agree, that its possible that my vague introduction to the song is a reason I have such an affinity for it. The song is more than 50 years old. Introduced for a movie, 'Unchained'. I haven't seen the movie and have no judgement to give. I have heard several versions of the song. The midi to begin with. Then there was also The Righteous Brothers, Elvis Presley and U2. I personally consider the version of The Righteous Brothers, performed by Bobby Hatfield the ONLY version of the song that does it justice. I haven't heard the first and original version. Even so...
Honestly, I think Bono was high when he rendered his version. And it was Elvis Presley's last ever Live performance when his version was recorded, so you can say where I'm going with this. Don't get me wrong. U2 is very good, and Elvis Presley truly is a god. I could probably write whole posts about some of his songs. But I truly wish he had never performed Unchained Melody. While Gareth Gates' version got its share of recognition, I didn't like it. His voice is too feminine for a song where the guy is professing his love to a girl. Or so I think. It was overdone.
I've been listening to the song or a variation for nearly 16 years now. And I probably heard it with lyrics about 11 years ago. And I probably understood the song about 5 years ago. And i related to it 2 years ago. I love this song. If anyone asks me, its this one.

Auld Lang Syne. Its old Scottish. Now I don't go hunting for Scottish and arbit-language music, but this quite popular. Loosely translated, it means, "long long ago" or "days gone by" (courtesy: Wikipedia). The reference will be understood listening to the song when it comes to

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne
Its obvious what it means. For the thick-skulled, it reminisces days gone by and is all nostalgic. Take a cup is the equivalent of toasting the good old times.
This song, in variations is the most popular all over the world for Christmas and New Years. It has a beautiful meaning. But the prize here is the melody. And with the two put together, you get a piece of art. Undeniably fabulous and loved by mostly everyone. You've heard this before. You almost definitely have. Its one of those songs. Others similar are 'Ode to Joy'(Beethovens 9th Symphony), and probably Tubthumping by Chumbawamba. Tubthumping is a one-hit for Chumbawamba, but it still serves the purpose of the point.
I first hear Auld Lang Syne as a ringtone on my Dads Nokia. One of the older bulkier models, which made its appearance in India. My new phone, Nokia3110c doesn't have Auld Lang Syne. Its moved to Bach :D...
Anyhow, I used to take this phone and go to a quiet corner and listen to the tune a couple of times a day or something. At the time, I didn't know what it meant. There were no words, it was monophonic. But the melody strung a note for me. It stayed. I never forgot the name. I did however, hear the songs at various times. In movies, TV shows and stuff. The Godfather Part II features it. A group of nurses sing it a hospital just around the time Michael tells Fredo that he knows it was him who attacked him. New Years Day midnight in the movie.
This song too, I have heard several versions. They include Kenny G, Boney M etc etc.. Several versions are choir performances. Two renditions, which I have listened to over and over and will not ever get tired of are,

1. From, "Its A Wonderful Life". Fabulous and amazing movie. It features at the end. I wont post any other spoilers. But in context and given the moment, it makes you smile with a tear and feel like singing along. This is one of the movies during which I shed a tear. For critics, go stuff yourselves.
2. Dropkick Murphys. For a group that's also released songs named, "F**k You, I'm Drunk" and "Irish Drinking Song", it seems like an odd choice. But Auld Lang Syne has many versions and several mutations. The Dropkick Murphys strung out a fast rock theme of the Pub Version. Great music and feet tapping.

I am not doing justice to several songs by singling out these two. I have plenty of favourites. I'm not saying I have greater exposure, just that I have lots of interests. Music related. But these are two songs, I don't ever remember skipping over or fast forwarding. I either repeat it innumerable times or listen to if it pops on my playlist.

One of the greatest regrets in my life is never to have learnt how to play a musical instrument. Its a lifes pursuit to learn how to play the violin, in a sound-proof room if nowhere else... And whether it happens at 22 or at 40, or 60, I will do it...

Take care readers. Thank You, faithful ones. This isn't a "smart blog". I'm just bakwaasing here... So if you read all this stuff, I'm grateful. I won't know if you did, but if you do, I'm voluntarily thankful. Take care...

Friday, 5 December 2008

Change... The Green is gone...

Everyone has something that they're deeply attached to. An object. Most people atleast. A car is probably number one on most lists. Sportstars wear the same hats and underwear for games for luck. Michael Jordan has apparently kept his college shorts(that detail is true, not from Space Jam alone.. so There!!)... I have my own things. One thing, and most people from Chennai, my friends, people who know me, know this.
My green bag. I've had two actually. First a green sling bag which Rojin(for those who don't know, he's a good friend from college). He bought it for his sister. But my need for a bag was imperative. He gave it to me... Thanks man, if you read this. So it was a dark green Puma (imitation) sling bag. I carried it to college everyday.. I carried it outside when I went out. Even if its just one book. Always. Me without the green bag was non-existant. But it was imitation. And it was falling apart. Slowly... It started with the strap. Then the zipper... Then the bag cloth itself. Started coming apart. I spent more money than it was worth getting it fixed... So many times. There were strands of cloth hanging off. Christy offered more than once to have it repaired. It probably bothered a couple of people and unnerved a few others. "Why would Kunal carry that trash around..?"... I had it for over a year and it became kind of synonymous with me. However, I had to let it go. Eventually, I had to. I still have it. Its in a crappy shape and will probably hang on my wall later. I loved that bag. However, it gave way to something new.

I went for a Cognizant event in Chennai once. They were giving out bags. I got one. I was black and algae green. It succeeded the Puma. It was a backpack kinda thing. It probably has a specific name, but I dont know it. It was a good bag. Nice pouch in front and string things to wrap over my shoulders like a backpack. Now that lasted through life till two days ago. Unfortunately, its been a long time and its time to retire that beauty too... I'm officially done with that one too...

I dont know why. But these bags went everywhere that I did. And they became supremely important. Dont ask... Anyway. They're done. And its made way for a new black sling bag. Just got ot... So lets see how this goes...
Change sucks sometimes. But lets see where it goes...

Saturday, 29 November 2008

The Anecdote and the Attacks

Well... The Mumbai attacks have all wrapped up... The aftertaste of the attacks are gonna stay with everyone for a long time. I caught the attacks myself the morning after they began. And the first pictures and videos I saw did kinda throw me off... I have to say, my first reaction was, "Shit... Attacks again... Now what?"... I didn't think of it as anything different. We'll come back to that later. When I found out it happened in two hotels, that's when I got worried. My Dad is a Hotel Man... Hotelier in the Hospitality Business. So it worried me. But he was safe. A relatively safe distance from the site of the attacks. And it wasn't in the hotel where he worked... So I felt relief...

Anyhow... The attacks are done. The news channels are having a field day. VP Singh passed away. Former Prime Minister. No one cares. Barely anyone knows. He got a passing mention in the newspaper. For all the professional and effective coverage, and more than 5 channels in English that I flip between and 3 Hindi, not a whiff of a mention. Only in passing. Well... The fat lady sings in the right place and that's where the crowds go...
I don't blame them either. Obviously the people are going to go to the place that is the most interesting. And how much ever we may call them sad and disappointing; it still excites the nation, gets adrenaline pumping and tongues lashing and sparks interest overseas...

So then... TV on... Everyone gunning for the most interesting celebrity to give them some cool comments. Everyone has stuff to say. Everyone has an opinion. And if curses could kill, we'd have elections next week. Everyone blames the politicos... They blame them for the entry into the nation in the boats. About the attack at the CST and the hotels and the rest... I don't understand that. Not entirely at least. Yes, I agree the politicians could've done a coupla things differently. And yes... A few small changes would've probably made some difference. Some will argue lot of difference.
Everyone's blaming everyone else. Some say the NSG were slow. Some say the system is messed up. Some say the people are irresponsible. Some say, "Foreign Hand"...
Now that's another thing. Why so adamant about blaming Pakistan...? The attackers were probably a few Pakistani. But that doesn't mean Pakistan DID IT. There was an Indian in the London attacks. That doesn't mean India planned that. It’s not right the way that happens. Again, I give so much leeway in the possibility that they were involved. But that doesn't mean they were. Let’s see... There's gonna be a movie soon. On these attacks. Probably based on a book. Let’s hope the books author does good research... Let me mention "Black Friday"... Good book. Good movie...

The title of this post stems from the root of my own guilt. I plead guilty to the interest and the excitement of the knowledge of the attacks. I tried to keep myself informed... I clenched my fists and gritted my teeth for every piece of disturbing news. I didn't like what I saw and read and it upset me. I didn't cry or anything... But I didn't like it. My friends and I were annoyed. We wanted it to change. We wanted to be able to do something. We didn't like being in the comfort of our beds and couches watching what was happening. I mean, we didn't wanna be in the thick of the attacks or anything. But we felt guilty at being just as innocent and being safe. I hear that something similar happens in plane crashes. Survivors live in guilt. Well... this is a comparison of sorts.
I was travelling the evening of the 28th and through the night. So I was cut off with no details. I had to wait for the next long-stop station or the morning. I was reading a book and had my iPod. So I was on a little island of my own. The book I was reading is called, " 'Tis ", an autobiographical account by Frank McCourt. Look him up if you’re curious. He isn't a celebrity though...And you'll be reading about him in subsequent posts.
Two things happened on the trip. They may not appear all that serious or interesting or even relevant. But they turned gears.

1. Between songs, I overheard the conversation between the passengers in my compartment. They weren't travelling together. As in, they were all new to each other. They were discussing the attacks. One guy insisted it was Pakistan. Everyone nodded. No one tried to say anything. I didn't either. I'm not exactly showing disappointment or being judgmental irrespective of how it sounds. But it got me wondering. Do we really have no opinions except that of others and the media? If Shobha De came on TV and bitch-slapped the politicians (which she did), do we say, "Hmmmm..." and think or say, "She's right..." and nod vigorously... Both are as applicable as the other. Everyone to his own. But the TV and "Other Tongue" have to stop being the source of our knowledge. And our opinions.

2. The book I was reading. It had an anecdote. Funny. It made me laugh. I found it funny and giggled. And mind you, I'm not saying I did something wrong. But I began to wonder. I moved from guilt to giggles in less than an hour. How did that happen? Were my emotions that hollow? Sigh... I'm not guilty about it. But it just turned gears like I said...

I love my country. I don't know. But I have always imagined the romanticism of being help my country even at the cost of my own life. I know it happens in movies. And as we all have seen, it recent times too... Too recent. Good people. Decent people. Everyone there had a life. They had cute kids and stomach aches. Asthma and too much money. Nagging wives and company reviews. Some probably had movie tickets and unpaid electricity bills. Some probably were waiting for a girlfriend and some to take a leak in the fancy hotel toilets. Ooh and Aah at the automatic flushes. Calling them lavatories and WC's...

I love my country. I do not want people to be scared coming to my country. India is a country of beauty and bargains and over-priced autos. But it’s also of love. The worst of us will respond to kindness. My image of my country is a Utopian belief. And I also believe the Utopia should be something we look for in our lands. Hopefully they'll one day come true. I've said earlier that I think violence is a necessary evil.

God Damn Me!! I hope that wasn't true...

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

Looking Up

One possible disadvantage writing about feelings and conscience is that people close to you who read the blog will start asking me if I'm ok. So yes.. This is me. Shaking my head to anyone who wants to ask me something like that. Look at it like this. I have close friends and confidants. If I have a problem, they'll know. So if you're one of them, you know if I have a problem with life. If you don't have any idea, it means you're essentially not close enough. Or that i have no problems worth worrying you about. I mean, come on... Who doesn't have problems...(rhetorical)
Go figure.
I'm 6 feet 3 inches tall. Now I'm not the biggest guy around. But then again, I have weighed 127 kilos. And I think I still am over a 100 kilos. Right.. Anyone who wants to know how I went from 127 to "just-over-100", don't ask... If I knew, I wouldn't be "over-100". Right, So I have had my share of being stared. Unfortunately, I'm not talking about women(though that has happened... Not in the intended manner)... I have turned corners and had people stop talking because they thought I was a teacher. I look at least 4 years older than I am. I'm pretty sure, that if I ever tried masquerading a teacher I could've pulled it off... Maybe.
I have never had an issue with my size. Never had an issue with my weight. I have looked at myself in the mirror and made my stomach talk like Al Pacino at times... I mean, "Fredo... You broke my heart".. Heh... How is that not funny with your stomach...
My height, weight and general shape and size have always, each, to the annoyance of some people been great sources of pride for me... :D
I'm not going to get a Nobel Prize ever.. EVER... Or even get the community award for 'Best Citizen'. Maybe 'Best at Eating Pani-Puri' though...
But I know I enjoy things I do. I've walked over 12 kms in a single afternoon and only turned around because the battery on my music player was running out... I have never bungee jumped or gone snake hunting. I don't live life on the edge. The greatest physical risk I can recall taking is eating a purple ice cream whose name I'm actually looking up right now as I type... Cannot believe I forgot it... 
But I like the things I do... I don't do charity work. I have no excuses. I now people who have really put their spines into it. I probably never will. I cannot think of anything I really have taken the effort to do. At this point, even putting effort seems fake to me. I have good friends. I have been lucky to have them. And I hope with most of my heart that they never read this.
I probably won't donate my kidney to a person unless I really had to or unless I cared for the person. I'm no saint.
Like I already said.. There are plenty of things I should have done at this point in my life. Plenty of things left to do. I don't know if I ever will.
I will always have critics. You're most likely shaking your head thinking how dumb this blog page is. You won't like the things I say. Shit.. I have people who have gotten angry at me for NOT talking and FOR talking, Trust me. I'm goddamn confused.
When I came to Chennai 3 years and 3 months ago, I didn't know anything about SMS etiquette. Honestly, I'm sad I learnt it. I have never smoked beyond a single puff. I have only had any kind of alcoholic spirit in the presence of my parents. I have never done any kind of drugs. Shit, except for movies and pictures, songs and books, I wouldn't know half the things I know.
When people don't tell me I suck, I think that maybe their thinking it and not telling me. I feel like an idiot halfway into conversations. I try to stop talking. Or then make bad jokes which no one understands. But I find them kinda funny though...
I'm essentially not as smart as most other people. My peers to be precise. NO.. I AM NOT putting myself down. But I can act smart. Its happened. I don't hunger for recognition and greatness. Thats called idiocy and small-mindedness in the world I live in.
I will always love the people who hate me. Its a character trait. We can judge a person not only by the company he keeps, but also the company that he doesn't. So people who curse my large overfed ass are the ones who give me a certain form of definition.
If you had to ask someone what kind of guy I am, the best one to ask is the guy I don't get along with. If they have any kind of respect for me, then its a very very positive thing. Not liking a person isn't the same as respect.
I have a few people I really really despise... But I have immense respect for them...

I don't know where I was going with all this. Its just going. Random words with no direction.
I don't know much about too many things. But I know I am a decent guy and every night, EVERY NIGHT, I go to sleep with no curses and no bitterness. I sleep at nights with the world as an ally. And it serves me well... I like it. And I advise it...

This following quote is from a fabulous movie named "Harvey" from 1950 starring James Stewart. A magnificent actor. he delivered the dialogue.
The quote makes more sense in context... But see if you carry any meaning from it. I did... In a manner...


'In this world, Elwood, you must be oh,
so smart or oh, so pleasant.' Well, for years I was smart. I recommend pleasant. And you may quote me.'

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

Double Standards - The woes of a fanatic

DISCLAIMER: For better or worse, for right or wrong, this is an opinion. It doesn't apply to everyone and not necessarily
to me either... Just read. Leave comments if you wanna say something.. Or call me, mail me or any of those bloody billion ways of 21st century communication...

I'm a movie buff... Real hardcore. I enjoy movies. I like stories and tales. Movies, books and music are the ways i stay awake... I have watched movies that very few people can discuss. I have read books most other people have. My tastes in movies are wide... Action and Comedy rule. But crime and Drama are the genres that really really get my gears turning. Fantasy and all that are just fun. I'm not big on vampires and blood and gore though. Books are anything. Anything I can touch for the most part. Just for the record, my favourite movie is "Schindlers List". I'm lost trying to figure out a favourite book. Favourite song is "Unchained Melody"... ONLY, and I repeat ONLY the Righteous Brothers version. Elvis is god... But I personally wish he had never done a live cover of the song. Favourite Hindi song is "Mere Sapno Ki Rani". Favourite Hindi movie is a difficult pick too... But lets say "Vaastav" for now...

Now lets get down to what the title of this post means.
I know more about certain movies than your average movie buff... I'm not tooting my horn here. Certain people, after reading this will want to kick my ass so hard that my next post will be from the moon. So, in all modesty, I do... About certain movies more than certain people.
I mean, example... How many of you know that Al Pacino's "Scarface" (directed Brian DePalma) was a remake of a 1932 movie of the same name. Actually it was named, "Scarface: The Shame of the Nation"... it was based on the life of Al Capone, the then bootlegging Chicago mob boss and had Paul Muni potraying "Tony Camonte" opposed to Pacino's "Montana"... The remake had the Cuban gangsters. And every important aspect of the script was literally lifted off the original. etc. etc. etc... I could go on... Both movies are amazing. Stellar works.

Now I enjoy cricket. I like playing it and I like watching it. I live in India, so its like a side-effect of being Indian. A good one though. I, however, don't have statistics and teams and history of cricket sliding off my tongue. I like tennis. I love watching it. But again, I don't have stats slipping out of my pockets. The same goes on for F1. I watch the Football World Cup and was actually sad when France missed the Cup in 2006... Was actually sad. This from guy who barely knows the team players.

NOW... WHY is it ok to know everything about every player and every match in the history of a sport and NOT OK if you have the relatively same knowledge about movies...? I can argue as a fact that moms and dads get equally pissed if its a movie or a match I'm watching before an exam. Or even otherwise... For almost every bloody kid. Almost (Yes, I am being carefully diplomatic, if you have criticism, either put it in the comments or shove it down your throat (and i hope it doesn't digest) ...) For some reason, its ok if I can sustain a conversation about a sport, but its almost being a 'lost soul... a lad without vision and ambition' or "This guy is going to amount to nothing" kinda fellow if I give you more than necessary details about a movie...
Consider: "The first two Cricket World Cups didn't see India even qualifying through the first round. India took the Cup in 1983. And that Kapil Devs famous 175 which was never recorded on film was in this series against Zimbabwe." If I said this, then I'm, "well informed"...
If i said all that stuff I said before about Scarface, the most common responses I'll get are, "Duh ...", "So..?" and maybe, "Loser.."

I love cricket. Don't get me wrong... But my affinities to movies puts me in this situation sometimes and it gets on my nerves...
Cricket is a sport. Its fun and its beautiful and its fantastic.
In the same breadth, movies are art and no less beautiful or fantastic than cricket or football...

I await arguments and responses... (and expect to be left hanging)...
Till my next post then... To anyone who reaches this page, by fault or purpose, May The Force Be With You...

Friday, 3 October 2008

Violence isnt good... I'd be the last possible person to advocate violence. But it still is a  force and is almost required. Why? 

A common question atheists ask is, "If God existed, why is there suffering?"... The most common argument is, "without suffering,  you cannot appreciate the good in the world"... Decent enough logic. Fair enough.

But isnt just the saddest thing you will ever hear...? It just goes straight to imply how shallow we are. Man was just simply built that way. And its plain sad.

Where violence comes in is the exact same thing. Everso often, man mustbe reminded how fucked up things really are... Or rather how fucked they can potentially get. I'm from India. In 2008 alone, we've had so many attacks and blasts all over the country. Every three days is a new incident. It is disturbing. But thenagain, here I am, at home... I'm comfortable at home. Reading the paper and then watching a movie. Reading a book and maybe then sleep awhile. Meet a coupla friends. Get the bare minimum of studying done somehow. I AM  NOT AFFECTED... Atlest till something in my own backyard.

Mans greatest paradox is about  himself. Its about dying. He knows he's dying. He knows he's gonna die. Its obvious. FACT. Nothing you, me,HE or anyone or anything can do will reverse that. But he will never believe it. In his own head, every person  simply believes that he's gonna live forever. Or prays that maybe, JUST MAYBE he's part  of this cool cosmic gig and has kinda been selected to survive while generations pass. Heh... And dont tell me you dont believe that.

I'm just talking here. Criticism is welcome Good or bad. I hope to increase the level of the my  blogs in times to come... HOPE 2...

by the way, saw the  trailer of "Quantum of Solace" sometime back. Dunnowhy I'm mentioneing it, but i'm really looking forward to  that movie.

Wednesday, 1 October 2008

i love the concept of screaming. its hilarious. No specific reason. but its stress relief. anyone who wants to ask me "what stress?" can go stuff themselves. i'm just making a point here... i mean. consider this... you're in the middle of the road. and u scream... i mean really scream. can u imagine the looks on all those buggers around you? now tell me it aint funny. show me a person who doesnt fiund that funny and i'll show you an potted plant...

No reason really. it'll be  slapstick comedy in real life and real time... plain funny...

its not too different from showing some arbit stranger a weird face just before you get off the bus... irrespective of whether or not you see his face, yoiu will sure as hell get off  with a big smile straight across your face...

i'm  no comic anarchist or anything. not that i do or have done anything inthe similar. i just find it funny...

and ya...stupid post. like i already said... go stuff yourself..

Tuesday, 25 March 2008

I wonder...

I've always wanted to know what the inside of a ladies toilet looked like. I mean , c'mon, i've never seen the action in question and am curious as too see if they've got any special mumbo-jumbo to help 'em out. And no. I'm not disgusting. I just wanna know. i mean, again, take movies. they never show you a womans toilet. They'll show u the guys toilets. i mean, no problem, flush and all... but never a womans. well, almost never. curious... curious...
i could just waltz into an EMPTY one. i cud. god knows i've had enough chances... but i'm kinda waiting for permission... I mean, one day, i'll stand outside a girls toilet and i'll have a small bunch telling me, "ok. u can go through..."...
and then... ENLIGHTENMENT...
but until that day comes, consider it a query...

curiosity... if any woman reads this, dont judge me... u get to see mens toilets all the time...
top of my head... um.. Casino Royale, , wagera wageras...
Hmph.. no bloody privacy, camera phone world...